Maggie Tyndall
A collection of Tattooed Chef pizza box mockups and a large tattooed chef logo in the middle. The logo is black with white text that says tattooed chef and in the middle of the text is a knife with a white and green decorative handle with plants on it.

Logo and package design project for a Fall 2023 Art Direction course at Boston University. All work designed using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

Below is the current logo for Tattooed Chef.

Old logo for Tattoed Chef. Featuring a black and white chef with a red beanie, with crossed tattooed arms. She is holding a knife. Black script font at the top reads Tattooed Chef.

Week one of this project involved initial sketches of logo ideas.

Sketches for the updated Tattooed Cheg logo. These are black and white sketches of knives where the text tattooed chef is the shape of the knife.
Sketches for the updated Tattooed Cheg logo. These are black and white sketches of plates with tattooed designs on them and the Tattoed Chef text in the center.
Sketches for the updated Tattooed Cheg logo. These are black and white sketches of knives with Tattooed chef text surrounding it.

Week two involved building on those ideas and adding some color.

Different tattooed chef logo iterations in green and purple. The logo is a circle with the text tattooed chef inside, with a knife inside the words. The handle of the knife has plants on it.
A variety of plates designed to be the logo. The plates are real photographs of plates with handrawn plants on them with the text tattooed chef in the middle. Half of the plates are white with black leaves and text and the other half are black plates with white leaves and text.
A variety of knives with the words tattooed chef made to be the blade. The handle of the knife is plants. I explored many different fonts and then put the knife in colored ovals (one green and one purple) to give kind of a sticker effect to the logo

In week three, I finalized the logo. Here are the four different variations I currently have, with the black one being the main logo.

Final tattooed chef logo in green. The logo is a green circle with white text that reads tattooed chef. Inside the text is a knife, with a green and white decorative handle with plants on it.
Final tattooed chef logo in purple. The logo is a purple circle with white text that reads tattooed chef. Inside the text is a knife, with a green and white decorative handle with plants on it.
Final tattooed chef logo in red. The logo is a red circle with white text that reads tattooed chef. Inside the text is a knife, with a green and white decorative handle with plants on it.

Next, we took our logo designs to update their current packaging. We had two products to do this for: their Killer Bee pizza, and their Cauliflower Crust cheese pizza.

Pizza box design for tattooed chef's killer bee pizza. The box is black with white text and features the red logo. On the bottom left side of the box is an image of a pepperoni pizza. The top left says Killer Bee in bold white text and there are cute little bee antennae on the E and the R of the word killer. There are decorative white honeycomb throughout the design.
Back of the killer bee pizza box. The same image of pepperoni pizza is now on the bottom right of the box and the red logo is featured on the right side of the box. The decorative honeycomb is in the top two corners, and the back features nutrition info and cooking instructions.
The side of the Killer bee pizza box. Features the big white killer bee text and antennae and the red logo.
Pizza box design for tattooed chef's cauliflower crust flavor. The box is black with white text and features the green logo. On the bottom left side of the box is an image of a cheese pizza. The top left says Cauli Crust in bold white text and there is a cute little cauliflower head next to the words. There is decorative white cauliflower throughout the design.
Back of the Cauli crust pizza box. The same image of cheese pizza is now on the bottom right of the box and the green logo is featured on the right side of the box. The decorative cauliflower is in the top two corners, and the back features nutrition info and cooking instructions.
The side of the Cauli crust pizza box. Features the big white cauli crust text and little cauliflower head and the green logo.
Gif showing the rotating killer bee pizza box.
Gif showing the rotating cauli crust pizza box.